Writer Update

Nine years. Nine years and over two million words now written! Where has the time gone?

These years have been both the most enjoyable and some of the most challenging years I’ve faced professionally. Enjoyable, because I’ve always wanted to try my hand at creating stories. A good story has been something I’ve enjoyed for my entire life. Whether the medium is a book, a game, or comic. Since I have no coding skills and I draw quite slowly, now I write! It’s also been challenging, because being a writer and self-publishing (or looking for a publisher and agent) requires quite a broad set of skills. Many of which are not my forte!

Most of this writing has been me sitting alone in my room with a keyboard. Though where that room is located has changed a number of times. I’ve lived in Oregon, Washington, California. This has given me the chance to see an old friend, and then live closer to my parents and amazing sister. I even reconnected with a beautiful woman who later become my wife.

After nine years, I’m going to try to shift my focus a bit to get my stories out in the hands of readers. While in California, I took a break from novels to spend a year writing short stories. These were initially posted on a blog site, which was a mistake on my part. A mismatch of the focus of the site and the content I was posting. Now with the first book I ever wrote for sale on Amazon, I’m thinking of staring to post the series I’m currently working on to the website “Royal Road.” A website that hosts stories in episodic-style releases. A number of books I’ve read on Kindle were first posted on this website before being published in novel format. Once that happens, I will be posting about it here.

I also intend to write a few more updates talking about what it’s been like and what’s going on in this area, but that’s all for now. I hope this week finds you well.


– Brady Miller


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